Cut Flower Garden
Cut Flower Garden
Over the last decade or so of growing flowers, we’ve tried them all. And in order to stay in the crop plan, varieties have to be highly productive, easy to grow AND remarkably beautiful. The 32+ starts included in this collection check all those boxes.
Trays will be ready for pickup/delivery and planting in early-May, after all danger of frost has passed. You can expect a mix of the following annuals: zinnias, cosmos, celosia, strawflower, gomphrena, marigold, scabiosa, and ageratum.
All flowers are cut-and-come-again and grow very well in our climate. The more you harvest, the more they bloom.
You can have the cut flower garden of your dreams, without all the guesswork, complicated timelines, and seed-starting. We’ve got that stuff covered.
Detailed growing instructions will be provided with each Cut Flower Garden.
Choose from LOCAL DELIVERY (20837/20838/20839/20841/20842) or PICK-UP at Sungold HQ in Dickerson, MD. Pick-up and Delivery will be organized at a later date in either late April or early May, once all danger of frost has past.
Photo Credit: Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Baker Creek, and Grand Prismatic, where we proudly source all our seed.